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Bedroom decorating ideas you can try

woman hanging a frame on a wall

The bedroom is among the more private living areas of a house. This is the space where family members retire to relax, get some peace of mind, and sleep.

Given these considerations, the overall aura that a bedroom should generate is one of calmness and tranquility. Even the design elements to be placed here need to go beyond simple aesthetics to evoke this ambiance of restfulness.

Need some decorating ideas to turn your bedroom into a personal sanctuary of relaxation? See the suggestions below:

Opt for a minimalist design

A bedroom filled with all kinds of memorabilia stimulates the mind instead of relaxing it. This won’t help much to make the space conducive to sleep. Keep decor in your bedroom at a minimum and the color themes neutral. That way, you’ll be sound asleep in no time.

Keep clutter away

Clutter is the easiest way to make a bedroom feel cramped and busy. As you aim for a minimalist design, make it a point to dispose of as many unnecessary trinkets as possible. For the things that you can’t part with, assign a space for each one. Make use of unconventional storage spaces like the area under the bed or the horizontal spaces in the room. The fewer things in the bedroom, the more relaxing the space would be.

Add some mirrors

For cramped rooms that have very little natural light coming in, try the mirror trick. Mirrors’ reflective abilities can create the illusion of a larger space. Moreover, whatever available light you have in your room can be reflected using your mirrors, resulting in more illumination. Apart from being affordable, these decorative pieces are also the best complements for minimalist designs.

Create a gallery wall

Just because the design is minimalist doesn’t mean that a room will be devoid of character. All it takes to breathe life into your bedroom is by putting in well-thought-of customizations without cluttering up precious square footage. One good idea is to put up a gallery wall. This wall design doesn’t require anything fancy, nor is it cost-intensive. Just build a well-curated array of items you can frame and hang on the wall then arrange them to create a beautiful collage.

Add a “fifth wall”

White is a favorite neutral shade in many bedrooms. While it enhances the overall relaxation vibe, going all-white could sometimes make one feel like they’re in a clinic. Remedy this with a pop of color on one of the most overlooked areas when designing interiors – the bedroom ceiling. Painting the ceiling in a bold dark color turns it into what designers refer to as the “fifth wall.” It’s quite a leap in interior design for the bedroom but it certainly gives more character to this living space.

For more interesting home design ideas, there’s Coldwell Banker Cascade Real Estate to update you on the latest trends in the areas of Wenatchee, Leavenworth, Lake Chelan, and Cashmere. Give their team a call at 509.888.8887 or email them at info(at)cbcascade(dotted)com to touch base with them.